Somerville Personal Trainer: Three Tips for Healthy Traveling

Greetings from Vegas!

I flew out here last night for a business seminar for the next three days. I got in late last night but I always make sure to take advantage of the three hour time change and get my training sessions in early in the morning. At 5am I’m wide awake here so I headed over to the Gold’s Gym down the street to get my strength training done.

Here’s my training for today:

A1. BB Front Squat 5,5,5,3,3,2
B1. Chin Ups 4 sets of 6
B2. Standing Shoulder Press 2×8 @25, 2×6@30
C1. Weighted Single Leg Squat 3×5/side
C2. Standing Cable Crunch 3×12

After my session I filmed this quick video for you about how to train, eat and just be healthy while you’re traveling. This can relate to a business trip or a vacation. It’s never going to be a perfect routine but the goal is to keep your momentum going and eat as healthy as you can while still enjoying the trip, and getting in training session where and when you can. It’s all about planning.

Check out the video below and if you like it, please share this on Facebook 🙂