This post was inspired by Craig Ballantyne. Craig is one of the editors of Early to Rise, a great blog about mindset, lifestyle and business.
I wanted to share some rules that I live by. After some contemplation on this I realized there were many more but here is just a little piece of some of my life rules.
1. I read business, mind-set or motivational material on my Kindle for 30 minutes per day.
2. I never check email before 9am. Typically it’s later but that’s the cut off and I only check it twice per day, never on weekends.
3. I will live my life by my own rules.
4. I do some kind of mobility or stretching every single day when I wake up.
5. I turn off all electronics one hour before I go to sleep, this helps me relax and get ready for actual rest.
6. My workouts always consist of heavy movements involving muscle complexes to burn more calories and engage the entire body in an efficient manner.
7. I believe that everyone can change their lifestyle and I don’t engage with people who disagree with that statement.
8. I have cut out all of the vampires and energy suckers in my life and only focus on the positive people that care about me.
9. I take 2-3 minutes every day to remember where I started and how grateful I am for the life I have.
10. I get my mindset right before every single workout. Focus and music gets me ready to give 100% and never waste a minute of energy.
11. I have a daily, weekly and monthly calendar on my computer. Each day is color coded and time slots are blocked out for daily tasks. This keeps me motivated and on track with my tasks.
Bonus #1- I always give myself Friday as “my” day. I sleep in a bit, train hard and usually spend time with friends or go to a movie. Occasionally I’ll do a bit of work in the afternoon but I love this time for myself to unwind and enjoy the fact that I created my own schedule and lifestyle.
Bonus #2- I’m not religious but I do pray at the church of Brady. Go Pats!
One thing I realized a few years ago is that you must give yourself permission to lead a life that you want. Part of that is giving yourself permission to get your body into shape. It’s not just the physical side, but it’s mental and it’s confidence and overall energy.
If you’re ready to give yourself permission to change your life with fitness then I encourage you to come by for a free 60 minute consult with me.