Durbrow Performance Training Client of the Month: Chet Murray

Our February Training Client of the Month had one hell of a month. Since he’s been training at Durbrow Performance he’s had awesome fat loss, incredible motivation and has just been a really solid part of our training family.

Just when you thought he couldn’t work any harder or get any more motivated, he did.

In February he took it to another level. Every single training session he pushed himself harder, did more than the last session and motivated everyone around him.

One particular Thursday he finished the session so fast he had time to do another complete round before some people even finished their actual workout.

It’s not like we have a bunch of slouches in the training family either. We’ve got folks who can really crush it, so that’s saying a lot.

Then there was the pyramid workout.

For those of you that have done it, you know it’s brutal.

It’s three exercises: Jump Squats, Push Ups and Kettlebell Swings.

You start at 20 reps and work your way down to 5 reps of each exercise.

He did this entire workout wearing 20 pound chains during his jumps and push ups.

He also stepped up his nutrition like crazy. We had a 27 day nutrition challenge in February and when I put the sign-up sheet on the board at the gym, I knew he would be the first name on there. I was right.

He followed the plan to a “T” and is now looking even more lean, mean and totally bad ass.

I’m so happy for our February Client of the Month. Chet Murray has totally transformed his body and his lifestyle and he is truly an inspiration to everyone around him.

Here’s Chet when he first started training…

chet front 1 224x300 Durbrow Performance Training Client of the Month: Chet Murray




Here’s Chet now, sporting the Client of the Month Black T-shirt….

Chet COM 224x300 Durbrow Performance Training Client of the Month: Chet Murray

Be sure to Like this post on Facebook and give it a Share to show Chet some love!

Congrats again Chet and thank you for being such a great part of our team.