December Client of the Month: Samantha Beard

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Congratulations to our Client of the Month in Manchester: Samantha Beard!


  1. What is your hometown? McHenry, IL
  2. What brought you to DPT? Google,originally, back when Callie was buried in the search results. I came here for circuit style and high intensity interval training, I stay for that and the people 🙂
  3. How long have you been training with us? Since manchester opened, and I was in Somerville for 2-3 years, don’t recall
  4. What do you do in the “real world?” (job, family, pets, etc) I hike. I sometimes bicycle, play tennis, do arts and crafts, vacation, and I work as an IT Project Manager
  5. What is one fun fact that most people don’t know about you? Umm…I like coloring books and origami
  6. What is your favorite exercise and why? Oh man, tough question…TRX rows because I love back muscles and I love lunges because it’s so simple but still challenging
  7. What is your biggest gym achievement so far? Unassisted pull up. Never imagined I’d do that! I also never imagined that I’d commit to getting up for a 530 workout, that’s also an accomplishment
  8. What inspires and motivates you? People around me pushing themselves hard makes me want to push hard. It’s really motivating to do something that you once could not, like box jumps, and heavy swings, or. 10 burpees in a row
  9. What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining or who has just joined DPT? Stoping thinking, just do it. The stories you tell yourself about what you are capable of or not capable of are the only thing holding you back.