A Cambridge personal trainer report by Callie Durbrow
Cambridge Personal Trainer Report: 9 Things You Can Change NOW and Get Better Results
I want to keep this short and sweet today. I can imagine that you’re not getting the results that you want. Most people are not.
You know why?
They aren’t willing to put in the work. It’s hard as hell to get a great body. Sure you’ll be healthier, stronger and you’re helping your overall health….but are you truly happy with how you look?
Just showing up and going through the motions, “kind of” eating healthy and not getting enough sleep are all things that will “kind of” get you results.
If you want to get serious results then you need to take a look in the mirror. What’s the point in going half-ass? Why put in SOME effort when you can just ramp it up a little bit more and get amazing results?
Here are 9 things you can do RIGHT NOW to get the body that you want:
1. Get more sleep- 7 to 9 hours each night is what you want.
2. Drink more water. Drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces each day. If you weigh 140 then you drink 70 ounces.
3. Sprint. Get off that stupid elliptical machine, it’s doing nothing but giving you a saggy butt and wasting 40 minutes of your time. I don’t care where you sprint- on the treadmill, outside, at Harvard Stadium….just get it done.
4. Set yourself up for a positive day. I’m not going to be all woo-woo and say think positive and good things will happen, but you have to get out of the cycle of negative. Start your day thinking about what you’re going to accomplish and how you can help others.
5. Cut out the sugars. Sugar is a killer when you want to lose fat. You can find some great recipes here….
Protein Packed, Low Sugar Treats
6. Perform full body strength workouts for more muscle tone, a higher calorie burn and to seriously boost your metabolism. Get away from the little light weights and cardio. Focus on getting stronger and getting your body lean.
7. Commit to making a change —> How Bad Do You Want to Change
8. Hire someone that can help you. Why would you try and do it on your own and keep struggling? Join a motivating group with a qualified trainer that can get you to your goal in 1/2 the time and with way less aggravation.
—->14 Day Fall Fat Blast (a great way to get started and get results)
9. Stop complaining. No one wants to listen to your problems unless it’s followed by what you’re going to do about it. Complain all you want, nothing will change. Take a stand and make a change.