What’s Cool With Me This Week: Pull Ups, Gronk and Dodgeball







So far we’ve survived Hurricane Sandy. As I type this we have power, internet and the world hasn’t ended.

I just feel bad for the reporters that have to stand out in that weather. I just saw a guy get blasted with tons of sea foam.

But, despite all the hoop-la you better believe you’re going to get your weekly edition of what’s cool with me.

So what is cool with me?

1. Pull Ups

I have been working on my pull ups and chin ups pretty aggressively for the last few months. I would say I’ve been working on them sorta aggressively for the last year. Quite honestly last year I could only do about one rep. Mostly because I never practiced. Now I can do anywhere from 5-8 reps and typically sets of 4-5.

I hit a sticking point of 5 reps and I realized that struggling through an almost failure rep just to get to 6 or 7 was not getting me any stronger. I was pissed that I couldn’t get past 5. So now what I’ve been doing is hitting 4 reps (one shy of failure) and then taking 10 seconds break and doing 2 more reps, then repeating that for a total of 8 reps.

I feel stronger on my reps and I know as I continue doing that I’ll be able to crank out more reps in a row very shortly.

What else has helped me with my pull ups and chin ups?

  • I lost body fat (being lighter makes pull ups much easier)
  • I improved my lower abdominal strength
  • I improved my direct lat (mid back) strength by DOING more pull ups

What inspired me to write this?

Did you see the article posted in a section of the NY Times stating that women pretty much can’t do pull ups. When I did a bit more research, the exercises that they used to improve their strength were bicep curls and lat pull downs. No wonder they couldn’t do them….

Check out the article here

2. Gronk’s Touchdown Dance in London

So freakin’ funny and amazing…..

Gronk’s Palace Guard Touchdown Dance (video here) 

3. Dodgeball

Dodgeball is awesome but trampoline dodgeball is even more awesome.

Over the weekend the Durbrow Performance crew headed over to SkyZone in Everett for some trampoline dodgeball. Just imagine jumping on a huge trampoline with all the same rules and fun of dodgeball. It’s crazy fun and actually quite a workout.

Here’s our crazy crew after the dodgeball workout….

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Have an awesome week and be sure to take a few minutes to focus on what you’re grateful for. See what I mean in this post…..
