October Client of the Month: Liz Grenham

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Congratulations to our Client of the Month in Somerville: Liz Grenham!


1. What is your hometown?

Andover, MA

2. What brought you to DPT?
I had recently quit my old gym because I just wasn’t going anymore, and saw an article in Somerville’s Scout magazine for DPT. The little blurb made it sound like more than just a place to workout, and that caught my attention. I wanted something challenging and fun, where I could connect with people who lived in the area, and that was sustainable. It hit all the check marks!
3. How long have you been training with us?
Since March 2017

4. What do you do in the “real world?” (job, family, pets, etc)

I’m a Project Manager at Sprint, where I’ve been working for 17 years. My amazing husband Paul and I have 2 girls – Alice just turned 5 (but she’s going on 18), and Hazel is 3 1/2. We’ve been living in Somerville for about 10 years, and I hope we never have to leave because we love it here.

5. What is one fun fact that most people don’t know about you?

I LOVE to cook. And I love to eat at fancy restaurants, but I don’t bother with reservations, I just get there at 5:00 with all the other old people. And I am totally down with going out to dinner by myself 🙂

6. What is your favorite exercise and why?

Right now I really like those new SkiErgs – all the noise it makes when you’re using it makes me feel really powerful, and my shoulders felt great afterward.

7. What is your biggest gym achievement so far?

I did weighted push ups the other week – I was pretty proud of myself 🙂 Next would be an unassisted chin up.


8. What inspires and motivates you?

My 2 girls, my fellow DPTers, and all the trainers at the gym!

9. What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining or who has just joined DPT?

DO IT! There really is no judgment, you have nothing to lose. Do it for yourself.