- What is your hometown?
Boston has been my hometown since the age of 2. I came to the states from Lima Peru with my folks & bro
- What brought you to DPT?
Personally, my world was falling apart I need an outlet to decompress. My friend suggested DPT and I’m so grateful she did. Like humpty dumpty I was able to put myself back together again piece by piece…I have regained my confidence, my mojo and my self determination in life.
- How long have you been training with us?
Come Sept it will be a year
- What do you do in the “real world?” (job, family, pets, etc)
Married, have a son with special needs and I have 2 step daughters. No pets yet (did have a chihuahua for 13years)
My main job is at Dana Farber, as a transplant case worker .it’s very challenging and rewarding….I also work per diem at Mount Auburn hospital
- What is one fun fact that most people don’t know about you?
I have double jointed fingers on both hands
- What is your favorite exercise and why?
Planks/ or hollow holds- my core is very weak and I find these exercises on /and off the gym are getting better for me …I’m able to build more endurance for longer periods of time
- What is your biggest gym achievement so far?
Having better endurance and energy levels & sleeping better
- What inspires and motivates you?
My son inspires me. Regardless of his disability, he’s always determined to learn and be better ..That’s inspiring.
- What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining or who has just joined DPT?
Just do it! You won’t regret it, every session is worth it. Yeah you’ll feel sore but with time you’ll enjoy it and you’ll want more