Rachna has been training at Durbrow Performance since January and has quickly become one of our hardest working clients. She always has a smile and an awesome attitude and she is consistently trying to improve every exercise, every week. Check out Rachna’s story today. Enjoy!
Durbrow Performance Training has already changed my life. I joined in January 2013 as part of my New Year’s Resolution and have seen a complete change in my body shape and strength. My body fat percentage has dramatically dropped and I am looking forward to some skinny leg jeans and tank tops!!
I have always been small (I’m 5 foot 1 on a good day) and the majority of my adult life has been between 98-110 pounds. Growing up and throughout my and college years, I danced. A lot. It was a lot of cardio ranging from things like cheerleading/dance squad to doing Bhangra (a fast paced, high energy South Asian dance) to performing Kathak, a classical North Indian dance. I love Bollywood music and dancing as well. All that cardio was great and allowed me to eat whatever I wanted.
Then came law school and work and the dancing stopped. Unfortunately, my eating habits did not change and I started to see the tiny bit of muscle I had lose its shape. And I started to gain weight. I developed plantar fasciitis in both feet. I also started getting some IT band problems in my right knee. I think a lot of this is attributed to the fact that I never really did any strength training or stretching! It’s hard to believe, but I didn’t think it was important back then.
I remember talking to Callie during my consultation about increasing my flexibility and strength. When I first started, I could barely lunge or squat or do anything ab related! I used the smallest dumbell and kettlebell or sometimes did things without any weights. I was amazed to see how fit the people around me were at the gym (especially the women–truly an inspiration!) and especially people who seemed to be my size/age.
Last year, it took everything in me to do a 30 mile bike ride in September. It tired me out to go over bridges and hills around Boston city. My legs were weak. Just yesterday, I got back on my bike after taking a long winter hiatus and I could already feel how strong my legs have gotten.
I was able to bike about 10 miles and my legs were feeling great. I can only thank Callie, Caitlin and Emily for that! I’m training to do 50 miles this September! I go to the gym about 3-4 times a week and while my muscles are still kind of tight, they are much more flexible and strong now than they were a few months ago.
I have changed my diet a bit by adding more fiber and taking out carbs that don’t add any nutrition to my body (baby steps!). I now look forward to ropes, sprinter sit ups, and box jumps.
Actually one of my favorite parts of my day is when I first walk into the gym and see what is on the whiteboard while I foam roll. I like to see which ones I have done before, which ones are new and which ones are going to be challenging (it’s usually all of them!).
I also love going home and telling my boyfriend how strong I was Thank you Durbrow Performance Training! Here’s to being strong, fit, healthy and happy!
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