Results For Category: "Goal Setting"

7 Lessons for a Lean and Fit Fall

Summer is coming to an end, the kids are back in school and there’s pumpkin spice and football feels everywhere. This is the time of…

Lessons From My Failures

Sometimes I take my life lessons from Olivia Pope. If you don’t watch Scandal you need to get on that. Total girl crush right here….

Are You Getting What You Want? Start Examining Your Thoughts

Why don’t you accomplish what you want? With weight loss, your career, your relationships… You may be struggling with all of the above or maybe…

How to Get Better Results: Part II

Last week I dove into the simple techniques you can use to improve your results or your life in general, without actually adding more “stuff”…

7 Lessons for a Lean and Fit Winter

It’s already the heart of fall, summer is over and now we’re officially moving into the holiday season with Halloween already coming up next week….

How to Get Better Without Doing More

I’ve been studying a lot about how to get better. What does getting “better” actually mean? To me it’s just building on yourself based on…