A Cambridge personal training post by fat loss expert Callie Durbrow
The 37 Best Ways to Lose Fat…
Here we are, Day #13 of the Cambridge Fat Loss Challenge. How did yesterday go? Did you flush out your kitchen? That’s one task that takes a little bit of time but it’s totally worth it. It’s like a new beginning. You know how good it feels to clean out your closet? It’s kinda like that except it’s going to help you lose all that stubborn fat that’s just hanging around and making you miserable.
Today I’ve got a quick list for you, the 37 best ways to lose fat. If you implement even 1/3 of this list you’ll be well on your way to a healthy, confident and awesome feeling new you. Obviously I recommend implementing all of it though, but it’s a process so here we go 🙂
37 Best Ways to Lose Fat from Your Cambridge Personal Training Expert….
1. Increase the intensity of your workouts
2. Eat dairy (calcium helps your body burn fat faster)
3. Add fish to your diet
4. Spend 10 minutes “unplugged” from the world and just relax
5. Eat free range chicken and cage free eggs
6. Eat breakfast
7. Include protein with every meal
8. Eat a snack between each meal
9. Skip the starches (white pasta, white rice, any bread that’s not whole grain)
10. Take stretch breaks during your work day
11. Always take the stairs
12. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night (increased levels of insulin and cortisol, the stress hormone) can lead to excess belly fat
13. Cut out excess sugar from snacks and stick to fruit if you’re craving some
14. Get your body fat percentage measured
15. Don’t shy away from eating fat- healthy fats support brain function, vitamin absorption and can reduce the risk of heart disease (avocados, unsalted raw nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil and fish)
16. Eat something small every 3-4 hours
17. Perform squats, lunges and kettlebell swings for a killer butt and sculpted legs
18. Avoid machine workouts at the gym
19. Perform interval sprint workouts instead of steady state cardio
20. Get your measurements done and track the inches you drop
21. Don’t drink your calories- avoid juice, soda and lemonade. Stick to water or seltzer water
22. Plan out what time you’ll complete your training each day
23. Train with a group or a trainer to keep you accountable
24. Get most of your carbohydrates from vegetables (the greener, the better)
25. Avoid processed foods
26. Limit your eating out to 1-2 times per week
27. Have 8 ounces of low fat chocolate milk within 30 minutes of your training session (keeps your metabolism SKY HIGH)
28. Cut out excess alcohol
29. Add blueberries into your diet to burn off damaging free radicals
30. Perform chin ups (assisted if needed), push ups and rows to strengthen and tighten your upper body
31. Complete a full dynamic warm up before you train to improve workout intensity and results
32. Get on the foam roller every day
33. Weigh yourself only once a week- don’t be a slave to the scale
34. Switch your regular milk to almond or rice milk (less calories, sugar and can reduce inflammation in body)
35. Have a cheat day or 3-4 cheat meals per week. Raising leptin levels in the body actually helps your body burn fat faster
36. Plan your grocery shopping, what you’re going to cook and when you’re going to eat it
37. Take a daily multivitamin and daily dose of fish or krill oil
Drop me a quick comment about the changes you’re going to make!
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post, we’ve reached the 1/2 way mark and I’ve got a cool post for you all about abs 🙂