This will be a quick email today but I want you to think about something.
Instead of thinking about all the things you need to DO…
Think about the person that you need to become.
Your thoughts are more powerful than any action you take.
How you program your thoughts, how you view yourself, those are the things that actually facilitate change.
Otherwise you just continue on the same path, with the same thoughts.
Don’t simply stack your to-do list.
Learn to be in control of your thoughts, emotions and ultimately your life.
(this takes a LONG time)
If you stack up a huge “to-do” list but try to power through with new habits while still battling your old habits (aka thoughts), you’re in for a long haul.
(one of the reasons why people don’t see long term results, IMO)
Meditation, reading the right books, surrounding yourself with people that lift you up, setting short term goals and celebrating the wins.
Those are just some of the ways. Don’t expect it to happen overnight though.
Have a great day,