Feeding Hills, MA
2. What brought you to DPT?
My friend Whitney used to train here and told me about it when i first moved back from Texas. I did a 3 week trial and was hooked!
3. How long have you been training with us?
A year and a half!
4. What do you do in the “real world”? (family, job, etc)
I’m a new product introduction project manager for Amazon Robotics. My mom, dad, brother and our emotionally damaged rescue dog Murphy live out in western mass. When I’m not at work, I travel, run, hike, ski, cook, work out at DPT, listen to podcasts and read anything I can get my hands on!
5. What is one thing most people don’t know about you?
I’m a contributing author to MatLab textbook
6. What is your favorite exercise?
It’s a tie between hand stand push ups, and sledge hammer tire slams
7. What is your biggest gym achievement so far?
My first EVER unassisted chin up!
8. What inspires you and motivates you?
Seeing other people accomplish and surpass their goals, people helping each other and doing good in the world, the desire to better myself
9. What would you tell someone who has just started or is thinking about starting DPT?
When Emily brings over the heavier kettle bell/plate/dumbell, pick it up. If Callie tells you to put on a weight vest or puts a chain on your back, let it happen. They know what they’re doing. you’ll probably surprise yourself and be glad you did. 🙂