Ask Your Trainer: How Much Water Should I Drink?

Here’s a great post from Emily on exactly how much water you should drink, and how to get it all in.

It is 30 degrees out, do want a nice tall glass of ice water? Nope, didn’t think so. But your body does.

Did you know you can become dehydrated in cold weather just as easily as hot weather? We should (even in the cold weather) drinking half our body weight in ounces. Water is truly our life source. In the cold weather it helps prevent dry skin, colds, and as always flush toxins.

So how do you do this, when all you want to do is curl up with a hot cup of coffee? Watch those caffeinated beverages, although warming, they are also have a diuretic effect on your body, so be sure to compensate for this additional water loss.

First make sure you have a method to track your intake. Use a larger water bottle and set a number of times you should have to fill it in a day, mark the bottle with hash marks and a time that you need to drink that amount by.

Track your intake it on your phone, set reminders in your schedule, and take advantage of the crazy phone app world. Make sure you have water with you at all times, if you don’t have it you won’t drink it! Keep your water bottle in our sight.

Winter Water Tips:

Winter it up. During cooler weather, chilled water isn’t very enticing. To make it more appealing, warm a mug of water or add a burst of flavor from your favorite winter fruit like oranges, tangerines or cranberries. Drop in a cinnamon stick for an added flavor kick and enticing aroma.

Drink electrolyte-enhanced alkaline water (also called functional water). Wellness experts agree that disease and infection have a hard time thriving in an alkaline environment. High-pH water can help neutralize acid levels and restore your body to a natural state. Functional water, such as Essentia Water, the top selling alkaline water, can help you avoid or fight winter colds and flu, hydrate your skin and re-hydrate someone who is showing signs of dehydration.

Water is:

– The solvent for important biochemical reactions, supplying nutrients and removing waste.

– Essential for maintaining blood circulation throughout your body.

– The maintainer of body temperature. As you exercise, your metabolism and your internal body temperature increase.