Hey what’s up everyone. I have a pretty awesome video for you today. I was in Vegas a few weeks ago and I got to hang out with a good friend and mentor of mine, AJ Roberts.
AJ is a really awesome guy and has had an interesting life in terms of training and also business. Just a few years ago AJ was the world record holder in powerlifting with a 1140 pound squat, 870 pound bench press and an 815 pound dead lift. Now AJ has lost over 70 pounds and is competing in CrossFit. Pretty amazing transformation. Along the way AJ has become one of the top fitness and business marketers in the world today and I’m happy to call him a mentor and friend.
After chatting with him, he said he was going to try out some of my favorite barbell complexes and he sent me over this video of him going through one of them. This was after he actually completed the workout of 4 sets and texted me to say how smoked he was.
I love complexes- specifically barbell and kettlebell because they are one of the easiest ways to ramp up your conditioning, full body strength and overall mental toughness (some sets can last up to 2 minutes).
Check out this video that AJ hooked me up with….