Cambridge Training Report: Top 11 Fat Blasting Exercises

A Cambridge personal training post by boot camp owner Callie Durbrow

Top 11 Fat Blasting Exercises

Are you burning fat as fast as you’d like?

It might be time to examine your training style (and your nutrition, but that’s another blog post for another day). Nutrition is HUGE when it comes to how fast you lose fat and how well you keep it off.

Training is the foundation of a healthy fat loss plan however. I wanted to hook you up with my Top 11 Fat Blasting Exercises. I will warn you, some of these are not really flashy and sexy but they get the job done. It’s all about the exercises that just straight up work. I always tell my clients that if kettlebells were good enough for the Russian Army than they are good enough for us 🙂

Here are my top 11 fat burning exercises in order of category….

Lower Body:

Squats (any variation)
Dead Lifts (we typically work with the Sumo Dead Lift, check that out…..

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’][/pro-player])

Kettlebell Swings

Walking Lunges

Upper Body:

Chin Ups (most people are working assisted chin ups with a band under their knee)

You can see me working on some almost full chin ups right here…..

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’][/pro-player]

Push Ups (any variation- knees, toes, in the TRX, using medicine balls, physio balls, dumbbells)

Core Training:

TRX or Valslide Body Saws…check out some of our members rocking the Valslide Body Saws in this video…

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’][/pro-player]
Turkish Get Up


The Prowler

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’][/pro-player]
Battling Ropes

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’][/pro-player]
Tabata Training

[pro-player width=’530′ height=’253′ type=’video’][/pro-player]

There are literally thousands of exercises and we do many different variations in our training studio. It’s all about finding the exercises that give you the most bang for your buck and working different variations as you progress. We have members of all levels, some doing body weight work, some doing medium kettlebell work and some even working with our “cherry bomb” kettlebell which is well over 70 pounds.

Make sure your form is perfect and if you pick 5-6 of these exercises and put them in a circuit format you’re going to see a huge boost in your overall fat loss and how great you feel.

If you want to see exactly what we do then come check out a training session (be sure to schedule in advance).

—->Cambridge Personal Training (1 week pass)