May Client of the Month: Rob Mathews

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Congratulations to our Client of the Month in Somerville: Rob Mathews!


  1. What is your hometown? Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada.
  2. What brought you to DPT? My wife.
  3. How long have you been training with us? Seems like forever.
  4. What do you do in the “real world?” (job, family, pets, etc) I work at home, so mostly I open and close the door for my dog. She has a human operated dog door.
  5. What is one fun fact that most people don’t know about you? Um … I like cooking?
  6. What is your favorite exercise and why? Trapbar deadlift, because I get to use all the weights. Finally, something I can do.
  7. What is your biggest gym achievement so far? Running around the block 3 times. I really had lost the ability to run before.
  8. What inspires and motivates you? Fear of death. No, really, you get to my age and exercising is all about keeping death away.
  9. What would you say to someone who is thinking about joining or who has just joined DPT? They lie. For example, they say it’ll stop hurting. They lie. They say it’s the last round, but it’s only the last round in this set of exercises.