Results For Category: "Training"

How to Master the Pull Up

Pull-ups are an incredible exercise to train your upper body, develop great looking lean muscle and get a nice tapered look through your upper back….

My Twelve Rules of Life

This post was inspired by Craig Ballantyne who is an incredible fat loss coach and also the writer for one of my favorite sites, Early To…

39 Keys for Training, Life and Staying Fit

This is one of my favorite posts that I’ve ever written. I wanted to share the article over and give a few tips on how…

The Top 51 Exercises for Getting Lean and Tight

I have a million exercises in my database. That database is both literal and figurative. I have a huge spreadsheet of exercises and then of…

Top Seven Ways to Avoid Cardio and Get Lean

Cardio is lame. If you want to get kinda soft, waste a ton of time at the gym and be bored out of your mind…

My Friend Jay Cavanaugh Starts Training

I’ve got a really awesome treat for you today. Over the next few months we’re going to follow a really kick ass guy on his…

Conditioning and Strength Complex at Durbrow Performance

Hey, I hope you’re having a great week. This week has been all about Barbell Complexes. I want you to give these workouts a try…

Somerville Personal Trainer: Why You Should Add Yoga to Your Training Routine

Hey, I wanted to just hook you up with a quick video today. A few months ago I had sort of a slap in the…

Somerville Personal Trainer- Complexes for Strength

Barbell complexes are one of my favorite tools for conditioning and strength. It’s a quick hitter of a training session, you can be done in…

Battling Ropes Finisher at Durbrow Performance Training

Battling Ropes are one of my favorite modes of conditioning. You can really ramp up the intensity and go for speed or power. There are…