Cambridge Training Spotlight Sunday: Sarah Barone



Cambridge Fitness Training Spotlight Sunday: Sarah Barone


Check out Sarah’s awesome and inspiring story. She’s truly changed her life in just 3 short months. Keep up the great work Sarah, we love having you as part of our family!

I started training at Durbrow Performance with Callie and Emily this past April.  I had hit a wall with my workout routine (or lack thereof) and wasn’t seeing any results whatsoever.  I would go to the gym 3 times a week for 45 minutes, sweat minimally because I’m unmotivated to push through the pain, and incorporate little to no variety in my sessions.  My diet is OK most of the time (I’ll get into that later); but I probably drink a bit more coffee and soda than I should.  I’m a 25-year old career driven professional—it comes with the territory.


Around my birthday this year I was beyond frustrated with my routine and decided that I needed a change. I talked to a coworker of mine who suggested I try working out with Callie and Emily.  I didn’t know it then; but the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.


Here it is folks.  My confession.  I am a stereotypical emotional eater.


When I look back on my life I can clearly see my weight fluctuation map consistently against major life events. Growing up I moved seven times before the age of 13 and after every move, when I had to start all over again, I would gain weight.  When I was 14 my father was diagnosed with a brain tumor, the kind of tumor that gives you weeks to live rather than years—my coping mechanism brought along at least at least 20 lbs.

Freshman year of college I had a hard time adjusting—what I didn’t have trouble adjusting to was the additional 15 lbs around my waist line.  I am very fortunate to have ended up loving college (GO NORTHEASTERN!) and am convinced that very few people could have had as much fun as I did.  So when it was all over another 10 lbs came with my post-collegiate depression.

Last spring I found out that my Dad’s cancer may have reappeared.  Luckily, it was a false alarm; but no one thought to mention that to the 5-10 lbs that joined me on the scale every morning.  Last summer, my mom told me that I had a 32-year old half-sister (curve ball!) and another 5-10 pounds hopped on my back side.


About 50 days ago, my brother was admitted to the ICU in Hartford Hospital.  Diagnosis: heart failure.  My brother is going to turn 22 on July 14th.  He’s a healthy kid, probably doesn’t have the best diet; but what boy really does at that age.  He contracted a virus at the age of two and 20 years later, his heart has finally given out on him. Today, he is on the heart transplant list, his prognosis couldn’t be any better than it is and there is no reason for us to expect anything less than a full life for him.  He is going to be fine; but I still find myself craving the food that I know I don’t really want as I’m dealing with it all.


So here I am, faced with that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach; but this time around I am much better equipped to find an outlet that I enjoy more than dark chocolate.

Two days a week I bust my ass at 705 Cambridge Street.  Instead of chocolate chip cookies I’ve got the prowler, ropes, TRX rows, pushups, and split squats.  And I’ve got to tell you—I love me some chocolate; but pushing myself to the limit with Callie and Emily tastes a whole lot sweeter. 

I also know that this time around, I’m not really going it alone.  Everyone who comes to train with Callie and Emily has their own story.  Most of us don’t know each other; but that doesn’t keep us from cheering each other on like we’ve been teammates for years.  For me, that has been the best part of coming to work out.


In just three months I’ve dropped 6% of my body fat, tons of inches, and I feel strong.  I’ve got a long road still to go; but for the first time, I feel like I will actually get there someday.