A Cambridge personal training post by Callie Durbrow
Cambridge Personal Training and Durbrow Performance Client of the Month….
This past month (February) we had a first time event for Durbrow Performance Training. Our client of the month was someone who had only been training for a little over a month. That’s a pretty awesome accomplishment to grab the black t-shirt after only several weeks in the program.
Congratulations to Samantha Beard for winning Durbrow Performance Training’s Client of the Month for February. Samantha has been training with us since mid-January and has been a rock star ever since. From the first 5 minutes I talked with her during her consultation, I knew this girl was ready to make a lifestyle change. She was fed up with her current path and was 100% committed to making the change.
Samantha trains at 6am twice a week and even through all the snowy, cold and dark mornings we’ve had this winter, she’s been there with effort, enthusiasm and a great attitude. All of that paid off when we did her first round of progress measurements and she had already lost 6 pounds of fat and several inches around her hips, waist and thighs.
Congratulations again to Samantha and keep up the great work!