A Cambridge personal training post by Callie Durbrow
Congratulations to our Durbrow Performance Cambridge Personal Training Client of the Month, Madey Poss…
Madey has been training with Durbrow Performance for almost 2 years and in that time she’s been one of the hardest working, most focused clients that we’ve ever had. Madey has a great work ethic but also balances that with a truly genuine demeanor, always ready to help out a new client or encourage someone through a tough exercise.
Madey not only trains with us 3 days per week but she also works out in our kettlebell class on Saturdays. She’s completed a half marathon and also recently found out that she’s in remission from MS.
Over her time here Madey has transformed her body and is by far one of our strongest and most highly conditioned clients.
Congrats Madey!!